How To Quit Biting Nails?
You may think that you don't enjoy nail biting! You're probably saying in your head right now that you want to stop. After all, it can be an embarrassing habit.While it's understandable that consciously you want to end your habit, unfortunately the subconscious finds a comfort or pleasure in this habit. Why is that?The subconscious mind is extremely power, and is capable of manifesting its control on us in many different ways. However, your subconscious reasons for habitual behavior may be different than mine. Nail biting can used by the subconscious as a simple trick to keep your mind occupied at otherwise under-stimulating moments. Or, it could be that you subconsciously fear breaking a nail, or worry that dirt will get under longer nails!
Heck, it can be any one of thousands, even millions of reasons, but the bottom line is, you do have a reason - whether you know it or not. We can also look at it from a bit more of a scientific viewpoint. Your brain wants you to avoid pain, and increase pleasure. I want you to realize that your brain is completely devoted to doing everything in its power to help you avoid pain, even if it is sometimes misguided.
We can also look at it from a bit more of a scientific viewpoint. Your brain wants you to avoid pain, and increase pleasure. I want you to realize that your brain is completely devoted to doing everything in its power to help you avoid pain, even if it is sometimes misguided.
When you are able to discover your subconscious thought process as to why you enjoy nail biting, you can then take the required steps to reprogram it. Your brain needs to understand that nail biting no longer provides pleasure, and instead only provides pain. Surely you prefer say "How To Quit Biting Nails".
Once this occurs, you are on the road to finally stopping your unwanted habit forever.It's sort of like riding a bike, you can probably just hop on one and begin ride, without any conscious thought on how to do it. That's because it's a learned response of your body, and one that is complete automatic. A nail biting habit is automatic in the same way.
This is why will power simply doesn't work! It's like willing yourself to forget how to ride a bike. It's just not possible! From this moment forward, you can finally stop frantically looking for the answers to your habit, because I've already done that for you. I've already tried at least a dozen different treatments and am going to make it easy for you to discover the fastest way to stop once and for all!
From now on, you can stop struggling to find the right answers because I've already bought and tried plenty of nail biting treatments and the secret I'm about to reveal to you is a shortcut to ending your nail biting permanently!
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